We Are PCG
Primero Cuarenta Group
Current Operations
Existing 10, 13 and 94 ha. parcels parallel to Rio Chorcha
Existing 140 ha
parcel parallel
to Rio Gualaca
PCG’s current operations consist of four farms located in Chiriqui Province in Panama totaling 253 hectares. The existing farms were acquired in 2015 with purchase acquisitions and land controlled under renewable lease agreements. The current build-out will increase the planted land to approximately 75% of the total footprint which will allow PCG to generate projected stabilized first harvest yields of 7,600 cases per hectare.
The operations are irrigated using mobile systems that draw water from two nearby river sources, the Rio Chorcha and the Rio Gualaca. Irrigation is required to provide water for the biological assets during Panama’s 4-month seasonal dry period. The irrigation systems draw water from a river source that borders the property under a permanent water rights schema that allows the farms to draw unlimited amounts of water as needed.
The current farm operations are vertically integrated with a newly-remodeled, climate-controlled sorting, packing, and storage facilities onsite. These proprietary facilities allow PCG to provide critical quality control/monitoring of its output essential to Global GAP and compliance.
PCG also has a research development program in papayas, melons, and plantains. Please take a look at the gallery of pictures!